Aloha friends! πŸ€—Β 
It's about time I bring you some news. The quietness of my page and social media is no indication of what's been going on in the Studio.
I've been busy with some things I can't share yet. 🀫
But also with settling in and growing with some challenges at my day job. Working with a small but really awesome team at the best screen printing company in Cologne has been a super valuable experience. I feel lucky to have the chance to do this job and keep developing my own work alongside it.
Because the truth is, freelancing and my art print shop haven't paid the bills in a long while. Which I'm not saying with any self-pity or complaints! πŸ’ͺ🏽 I knew what I signed up for when I chose a life without a secure 9-to-5.
Freelancers have to stay flexible and willing to adjust.
Embracing uncertainty and routinely leaving the comfort zone; those are key skills to develop when you want to make a living being your own boss.
There are no guarantees for success or even bread on the table.
It takes its toll on me sometimes, not knowing (and often seriously doubting) whether there will be a new opportunity, new client project, or new sale anytime soon. πŸ™„
However, I made a promise not to give up on my dream. And I owe it to myself and the people who supported me all those years to keep going.
Sometimes I just have to try harder. Sometimes wonderful opportunities come up unexpectedly.
✨Which is what happened recently. πŸ€— And I can't wait to tell you about it in the next post.
Please subscribe to my newsletter if you're still with me.
Your support means everything to me.

Mahalo nui loa!πŸ™πŸ½β€

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